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Unfinished Home
Authority & Persona
War Legacy
Tide & Seabed Galaxy
Consumerism - Rama

War legacy- Introduction
During the Vietnam War, the use of Agent Orange by the United States affected the health of up to 3 million Vietnamese people. There were at least 150,000 cases of birth defects. The contamination of plants and land covered an area of 3.06 million hectares, and these effects continue to this day. Visual elements were distilled from the process of investigating the severe ecological destruction caused by wartime activities for use in illustration creation. Metaphorical character design is used to criticize and satirize the roles of the United States and the U.S. Forestry Service in the activities of the war. At the same time, attempts were made to break away from traditional illustration by combining it with stage design and conveying the cruel and absurd history and its impact in different ways.



“They made a desert, and called it peace.” A war aimed at the relentless destruction of another country's land and resources under the guise of assistance.

Digital painting

“Only you can prevent a forest”
Mangroves become orange forests full of deformities and poisons under the rainbow.

Digital painting

“I blame myself for giving birth to them and making them suffer” Agent Orange victims genetically altered to perpetuate suffering,Dioxins accumulate in breast milk.This impacts around 150,000 children with congenital defects, and many families, unable to bear the financial burden, end up abandoning them.

Digital painting

“kill anything that moves”
The killing doesn't stop while suffering from Agent Orange

Digital painting

“Without precedent in history, using all the tools of science, technology and air power to lay waste to a country's natural environment.”
What happened there is enough to go into a museum and be remembered forever.

Digital painting


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